[systemd-devel] [PATCH 1/2] Update IFA_MAX adding IFA_FLAGS

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Wed Apr 8 03:57:59 PDT 2015

On Tue, 07.04.15 23:05, Alexander Sverdlin (alexander.sverdlin at gmail.com) wrote:

> Fixes the following compilation problem:
> src/libsystemd/sd-rtnl/rtnl-types.c:361:9: error: array index in initializer exceeds array bounds
>          [IFA_FLAGS]             = { .type = NLA_U32 },
>          ^
> src/libsystemd/sd-rtnl/rtnl-types.c:361:9: error: (near initialization for 'rtnl_address_types')
> Also include if_addr.h into missing.h so that it's possible to
> redefine __IFA_MAX.

I feel a bit uneasy about changing definitions from the header
files. Adding is fine, but altering them is something we should be
carefuly with. Hence I commited a different fix now:


Please test!


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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