[systemd-devel] Fail to reset-failed as user

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Tue Feb 3 13:17:53 PST 2015

On Fri, 12.12.14 16:06, Olivier Brunel (jjk at jjacky.com) wrote:

Sorry for resurrecting this old thread this late. Is this still an
issue? Does this work on current git?

> Today I had one unit in failed state, and after taking care of things I
> wanted to simply reset its state (to inactive) w/out having to start it.
> Looking up the man page, I see there's a command reset-failed for this
> exact purpose, awesome. So I go:
> % systemctl reset-failed backups2.service
> Failed to reset failed state of unit backups2.service: No such device or
> address

Hmm, did you issue this from some weird environment (su/sudo context,
from a system service context or so?)

If this is still an issue, could you try to reproduce this after
issuing "systemd-analyze set-log-level debug"? Then please attach the
log output this generates!



Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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