[systemd-devel] heads-up: chasing journal(?) related regression in 219 causing boot hang/fail

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Fri Feb 20 08:02:40 PST 2015

On Fri, 20.02.15 15:36, Martin Pitt (martin.pitt at ubuntu.com) wrote:

> Hello all,
> Since we updated to 219 in Ubuntu, several people reported boot
> failures. Booting hangs a long time after starting D-Bus, in the
> journal you get a lot of error messages like
>    systemd[1]: Failed to register match for Disconnected message: Connection timed out
>    systemd-logind[749]: Failed to fully start up daemon: Connection timed out
>    dbus[800]: [system] Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1': timed out
> polkitd isn't running. This causes lots of jobs (logind, NetworkManager, avahi,
> etc.) to get stuck in an eternal retry loop.
> Unfortunately reproducing this is a real nuisance, classic heisenbug.
> I'm now able to trigger it (sometimes) in a VM, but I still haven't
> found a reliable recipe for reproducing it, so that bisecting just
> takes ages.
> I'm keeping debug log, notes, and progress in
> https://launchpad.net/bugs/1423811 FTR. This is mostly a heads-up for
> other distros in case they also get reports like this, to shortcut the
> debugging exercise (I already wasted 7 hours on this, and I'm not even
> close to the solution). Quite surprisingly it's somewhere in journald.
> Running 218 with journald from 219 causes the hang, 219 with journald
> from 218 is fine.

Umm, please don't mix things like this... 

To me this appears as if dbus is hanging for some reason. Have you
checked what dbus is doing?


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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