[systemd-devel] [HEADS-UP] hwdb: change 60-keyboard.hwdb matches

David Herrmann dh.herrmann at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 04:31:19 PDT 2015

Hi Hans & Martin

I've pushed some patches that change the hwdb 60-keyboard matching
logic. This was needed to support bluetooth devices, and then I just
went ahead and cleaned up the other rules. This email is meant as a
heads-up to you guys, as you are the most frequent contributors to
that file. Two notes:

1) Both of you added keyboard:usb:* matches that match on the USB
interface. This was now dropped in:
If this was intentional, we can re-add it, but it looked like a
safety-net to me, rather than an explicit interface match. Please let
me know if it is required!

2) The keyboard:dmi:* matches are now merged with the platform
fallback, as the platform-fallback is a superset of the dmi-match:

With the new rules, we can now support all kinds of input-devices.
Note that the input-driver needs to support the evdev setkeycode ioctl
(all HID drivers do!).


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