[systemd-devel] centos-ci

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Tue Apr 12 15:58:13 UTC 2016

On Tue, 12.04.16 14:57, Jóhann B. Guðmundsson (johannbg at gmail.com) wrote:

> >Right now the CI systems we use are all based on Ubuntu, which is
> >kinda weird, as most of the systemd core developers actually work for
> >RH and run Fedora locally... ;-)
> I see but It's should not matter which company you work for or which
> distribution upstream developers favor otherwise you end up risking bias-ing
> the product on those favored downstream distribution or the (current)
> employment which is one of the root cause for the existing fragmentation in
> the first place.

we just want to test things on both major flavours of linux
distros. debian/ubuntu-style distros are nicely covered, and we'll
also have redhat/fedora-style distros covered with the rhel thing now.

With systemd we support quite a number of distros, and if we cover
those two flavours, then we should be in a pretty good state.

> And based on your response I have to ask, is someone higher up the Red hat
> ladder yanking your chain and thus the project loosing it's independence in
> the process or has your and other systemd's core developers view on the
> matter being independent changed?

Seriously, Johann? 

The rhel-ci people offered us to use their spare machines, that's
all. And Daniel took them up on it, and is now working on getting this
hooked up.

You completely misunderstand how Red Hat works...

In reality, I sometimes wished RH would provide us with more of
infrastructure services for systemd development. In fact though, we
pretty much never used any RH infrastructure. It's all github, fdo,
semaphore and the Ubuntu-ci stuff run by Canonical. In fact, Canonical
contributed more infrastructure to systemd development so far than RH


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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