[systemd-devel] Require a systemd.unit to finish completely before other services(units) are started

Michael Biebl mbiebl at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 15:01:13 UTC 2016

2016-04-26 16:49 GMT+02:00 george Karakou <mad-proffessor at hotmail.com>:
> You were really close, the correct answer is provided by mantas. Anyway
> driven from your thought i moved the script's execution to NetworkManager
> and i am now at the point i wanted. Though i have added 2 and something
> minutes to my startup process time.
> Thanks.
> --------------------
> Ordering after the dispatcher won't help.
> The dispatcher is not part of the initial transaction (e.g. pulled in
> by multi-user.target.wants).

I'm pretty sure my answer was correct, but thanks.

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