[systemd-devel] Systemd loads units before btrfs subvolumes are mounted

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Thu May 26 09:47:55 UTC 2016

Am 26.05.2016 um 11:36 schrieb Lennart Poettering:
> On Thu, 26.05.16 00:52, Rashmi Ranjan Mohanty (RashmiRanjan.Mohanty at microfocus.com) wrote:
>> Anyway we are changing the location of unit files to standard
>> /usr/lib/systemd/system to fix the issue. Tested it and works fine
>> after changing the location.
> /usr is for the OS vendor really

no - it's for packages and out-of-the-box settings

> If your package is a 3rd party
> package this is probably not a good idea. You could also simply copy
> them into /etc/systemd/system, which would also work

/etc/systemd/system is admin territory - no package at all has any 
business there because it would overwrite changes on updates which is 
*not expected* when i touch something below /etc/systemd/system/ and by 
crap packages installing unit-files there you can't clone and ovverride them

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