[systemd-devel] ipv6 configuration error

Tom Gundersen teg at jklm.no
Fri May 27 16:37:49 UTC 2016

On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 5:11 PM, Michał Zegan <webczat_200 at poczta.onet.pl>

> Hello, I have encountered a very interesting problem: I have a wired
> ipv4 network configured via systemd-network, and an ipv6 sit tunnel.
> The problem is it does not start. trying to restart systemd-networkd
> gives the error like both local and remote addresses of the tunnel are
> incompatible. I assume that means there is no interface matching those
> ipv4 addresses. I know that eth0 interface is configured *after* this
> sit one, and it is configured via dhcp, so it is quite possible. What is
> happening?

Hi Michał,

Could you configure it manually (using ip(8) or something) and paste the
output of `ip link` and `ip addr`, and also attach the networkd
configuration you tried to use (would be great of course if you could make
it as minimal as possible, but still showing your problem).


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