[systemd-devel] Having synchronization between 2 process using systemd.

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Fri Jan 20 10:40:03 UTC 2017

Am 20.01.2017 um 11:20 schrieb Raghavendra. H. R:
> I have a scenario in which I have 2 processes and both acts as Server &
> Client.
> Process A starts it server & tries to connect as client with Process B.
> Process B starts it server & tries to connect as client with Process A.
> We want handle this kind of scenario with the help of systemd sd_notify
> or with the help of runlevels or any other mechanism.
> Kindly share some needful inputs whether it is possible in systemd.
> We dont want to get add delay in any process

when each of them talks to the other you need to solve that in the 
services itself because it would be a cyclic dependency and so what can 
systemd more do than fire up the services?

your service needs a loop in the client which tries to connect until it 
was successful

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