[systemd-devel] 回复: 回复: 回复: 回复: 回复: 回复: 回复: [systemd-d e vel] sys temctl can't executestopactually,whenservice isstarted by other way

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Wed Nov 1 11:19:46 UTC 2017

Lennart Poettering wrote on 01/11/17 10:17:
> On Mi, 01.11.17 17:59, 清辰 (624001899 at qq.com) wrote:
>> Hi Lennart,
>> That is important for me. Could you tell me that?
> I am sorry, but I don't understand the question? 
>> This documentation says I can set by
>> LimitCORE="0;0"
>> But my request is:
>> For example, now system hard limit of core is infinity, I want to set soft limit to infinity.
>> But when hard limit is 0, I want to set soft limit to 0.
>> when hard limit is 100, I want to set soft limit to 100.

>From how I read it, the OP is asking for the syntax to set the soft
limit in the .service file to whatever the current system-wide hard
limit is.

I'm afraid I'm not sure of the underlying concepts there to say whether
this is supported (or indeed sensible)



Colin Guthrie

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