[systemd-devel] Best way to run upstream systemd

ChenQi Qi.Chen at windriver.com
Fri Aug 3 01:50:08 UTC 2018

On 07/19/2018 06:26 AM, Juanjo Presa wrote:
> I wonder which ways are to run last systemd versions? nowadays Im 
> running Centos 7 with systemd facebook backports 
> (https://github.com/facebookincubator/rpm-backports). But maybe you 
> guys have another way, NixOs? Archlinux?
> Tyvm.
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In order to use latest systemd, you need to ensure
1) things that depend on systemd also change accordingly
2) optionally get a recent kernel so that features added to systemd 
based on recent improvements on kernels could also be used.

In summary, you need a build system that could build latest systemd (and 
optionally latest kernel) and rebuild other dependencies accordingly.

I'm a yocto developer. And as a playground, I'm using local kernel and 
systemd projects which track the latest upstream kernel and systemd.

Best Regards,
Chen Qi

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