[systemd-devel] I have lots of sockets tied to pid 1 (systemd) in CLOSE-WAIT, anyway to get rid of these?

Christopher Cox ccox at endlessnow.com
Tue Jun 19 22:35:02 UTC 2018

On 06/19/2018 05:21 PM, Christopher Cox wrote:
> Not sure what happened, but on one of our CentOS 7 host we had like 64 
> socket connects owned by pid 1 (systemd) in CLOSE-WAIT state.  And 
> systemctl -a shows a bunch of lines like:
> check_mk at 11305-  (corresponding 
> to the 64 CLOSE-WAIT connections)

Ultimately this is being caused by a failure on running "df", like one 
of those "stale mount" like conditions (though our one NFS mount seems 
fine, but somebody else may have done something).

I've scheduled the host for a reboot, but still, I believe that more 
"bad things" happen (e.g. too many connections) as a result of something 
like this than what would have happened prior to systemd.  But you can 
tell me...

Nothing in /etc/mtab leaps out at me as something to solve with regards 
to a stale mount.

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