[systemd-devel] [PATCH] detect-virt: do not return exit failure code when the state is none

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Thu May 24 10:20:36 UTC 2018

On Do, 24.05.18 13:47, Lee, Chun-Yi (joeyli.kernel at gmail.com) wrote:

> Currently the systemd-detect-virt returns exit failure code when it
> detected none state. But actually the none state is still a valid
> state but not a process failed.
> This patch changes the logic to return success code when the state
> is none. It can avoid that subsequent activity is blocked by the
> failure code of systemd-detect-virt process.

This is supposed to be used in shell script constructs like the

if systemd-detect-virt -q ; then
        echo "Detected virtualization"
        echo "Detected no virtualization"

That exit code hence is used as boolean indication whether
virtualization is available or not. And this behaviour is explicitly
documented in the man page. It's API and for a good reason so. Even if
we could break API just like that we really shouldn't because such if
constructs make a ton of sense and are generally how shell does this,
see the "test" command for example.

Sorry, but you need to find a different way to do what you are trying
to do...



Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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