[systemd-devel] Systemd target doesn't not anymore propagate "restart" to PartOf "services"

Simon Tropée simon.tropee at gmail.com
Thu May 31 15:09:05 UTC 2018


I already send this issue on the debian maintainers mailing list for
systemd, but i think now this where not the place to.

It seem to me that look like to be a regression between debian 8 and 9
specifically on systemd version (from 215 to 232), but maybe have I miss a
change in the release note ?

I experiment a different behaviour between the systemd version on jessieand
I have tested this setup on a debian jessie (x86 and armhf) and on a
debianstretch (x86 and armhf)
On jessie my version of systemd is 215 (from repository)
On stretch my version of systemd is 232 (from repository)

I have the following systemd target :

Description=A Sample Services Target


=== EOF ===

And the following service :

Description=A Sample service
After=network.target remote-fs.target nss-lookup.target

ExecStart=/bin/sh -c 'echo Hello'


=== EOF ===

On a Debian 8 system and according to systemd manual, issuing a "systemctl
restart" or "systemctl stop" on "sample-services.target" propagate action
on "PartOf" services.
I use and validate this behaviour on a Debian 8 x86 and armhf.

The propagation of the "restart" action is no longer working on debian 9
system (x86 and armhf). "stop" action is still propagate.

I couldn't find any information about this difference of behaviour on
systemd release note neither on the systemd debian bug tracker.

Have I misunderstood the manual, miss a release note or is this a
regression ?

Simon Tropée
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