[systemd-devel] Use of SystemKeepFree=

Jan Synacek jsynacek at redhat.com
Thu Oct 11 10:34:09 UTC 2018

Hello all,

looking at the current code, SystemKeepFree= is not accounted for when
doing vacuuming, only SystemMaxUse= is used. There was an ancient
RHEL-7 bug for systemd-219 with the exact same problem. Now I'm not
sure if that's actually a problem or not, but the documentation
suggests that SystemKeepFree= should be honored.

Is it a bug?

When is SystemKeepFree= actually used?

Why have SystemKeepFree= at all if it's the "other way around" of
SystemMaxUse= ?

Jan Synacek
Software Engineer, Red Hat

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