[systemd-devel] Build only libsystemd as a shared library

Michael Biebl mbiebl at gmail.com
Tue Apr 23 17:19:06 UTC 2019

Am Di., 23. Apr. 2019 um 17:51 Uhr schrieb Stanislav Angelovič
<angelovic.s at gmail.com>:
> Hi systemd-ers,
> Having recent systemd sources, how can I build libsystemd.so only?
> I was able to build the static version with this:
> meson build/
> ninja -C build version.h
> ninja -C build libsystemd.a
> But how can I build the shared one? Is there a configuration flag? (I'm not familiar with meson.)
> In older, makefile-based systemd versions, I would just run:
> make built-sources
> make libsystemd.la
> I want to build libsystemd only because it contains sd-bus implementation and sd-bus (and our sdbus-c++ layer on top of it) can thus be used also in non-systemd environments (which is great).
> Thank you, have a nice day,

Depending on the version you are using
`ninja -C build/  libsystemd.so.0.26.0` should work

I used ninja -C build/ libsystemd<TAB> fwiw.

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