[systemd-devel] Bugfix release(s)

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon Jan 28 13:39:19 UTC 2019

On Mo, 28.01.19 14:32, Lennart Poettering (lennart at poettering.net) wrote:

> On Sa, 26.01.19 16:56, Ryan Gonzalez (rymg19 at gmail.com) wrote:
> > I'll send you the webhook target and webhook secret in a PGP-encrypted
> > email off-list (maybe overkill, but better safe than sorry).

It's set up now. I used the JSON submission format, and github said a
ping succeeded. Does everything look OK from your side too? If so, we
can probably tag v240-rc2 or so today, as a test case for this.

Please let me know when you think all is set up properly. I'll then
do the rc2 tag.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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