[systemd-devel] Bugfix release(s)

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon Jan 28 13:32:15 UTC 2019

On Sa, 26.01.19 16:56, Ryan Gonzalez (rymg19 at gmail.com) wrote:

> I'll send you the webhook target and webhook secret in a PGP-encrypted
> email off-list (maybe overkill, but better safe than sorry).
> As a side note, the bot currently watches tags. Would it be better to watch
> releases, or will tags be fine for now?

Hmm, I must admit that I don't fully grasp the semantical differences
between both. So far we have always generated a release from every
single tag, hence the difference doesn't really matter to us.

Maybe I am missing something but I am not sure we actually care about
the "Release" concept in github so much, and for us it's just some
extra step we have to manually do on each release, and we'd rather
not. Because of that I think watching tags is fine and preferable)

(Unless I am missing something we'd like an automatism that makes
every tag that matches the regexp /^v[0-9]+$/ a github release and
every tag that matches the regexp /^v[0-9]+-rc[0-9]+$/ a github
pre-release, and ignore all others, which is pretty much what you
implemented for the mail notifier thing too.)

Anyway, I think the current implementation is fine hence (but maybe I
am just not fully grasping the "Release" concept in GitHUB).


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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