[systemd-devel] Make systemd-localed modify the kernel commandline for the initrd keymap?

Colin Walters walters at verbum.org
Tue Oct 1 19:33:54 UTC 2019

On Sun, Sep 29, 2019, at 6:08 AM, Lennart Poettering wrote:

> i.e maybe write down a spec, that declares how to store settings
> shared between host OS, boot loader and early-boot kernel environment
> on systems that have no EFI NVRAM, and then we can make use of
> that. i.e. come up with semantics inspired by the boot loader spec for
> finding the boot partition to use, then define a couple of files in
> there for these params.

I like the idea in general but it would mean there's no mechanism to "roll back" to a previous configuration by default, which is a quite important part of OSTree (and other similar systems).   (Relatedly this is also why ostree extends the BLS spec with an atomically-swappable /boot/loader symlink, though I want to get away from that eventually)

That said, maybe one thing we want regardless is a "safe mode" boot that skips any OS customization and will get one booted enough to be able to fix/retry for configuration like this.

BTW related to EFI - as you know AWS doesn't support it, and we're making a general purpose OS.  Fedora isn't just about desktops, and we need to be careful about doing anything in the OS that diverges from the server side.
(That said I only recently discovered that GCP supports it as well as vTPMs, working on "blessing" our Fedora CoreOS images to note they support it https://github.com/coreos/mantle/pull/1060 )

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