[systemd-devel] systemd as a docker process manager

Jeff Solomon jsolomon8080 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 28 03:50:15 UTC 2019

This is a followup to this thread:


To see if there are any new developments.

We have multi-process application that already uses systemd successfully.
Our customers want to put the application into a container and that
container should be docker because that is what they use. We can't use
systemd-nspawn or podman or whatever because our customers want to use
docker because they are already using docker for other applications.

I understand that containers are not a security technology but we want to
find a solution that allows us to run systemd in a docker container that
isn't blatantly less secure than systemd running outside of a container. I
have yet to find a way.

Fundamentally, the problem is that the systemd in the container require
read/write access to the host's /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd directory in order
to function at all. Even if the container isn't privileged, it's necessary
to mount the host's /sys/fs/cgroup directory inside the directory and let
the container write to it, you have a security hole that doesn't exist when
systemd is just run on the host. That hole is described here:


Using user namespaces doesn't help because then the container user wouldn't
have permission to write to the /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd.

Our application runs as a non-root user. The security concern is that any
user on the host who is in the docker group would be able to start a shell
inside the container as "container root" and then be able to get root on
the host. So basically membership in the docker group is equivalent to host

Taking a step back - I wonder (mostly asking Lennart) if there is a way to
run systemd without it needing access to /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd? I'm sure
there isn't but I thought I would ask.

Also, we actually use the systemd user service and only need to use a few
of systemd's feature related to process management (ExecStart, ExecStop,
restart behavior, kill behavior, env vars).

I don't care about 97% of systemd features (resource management, private
whatevers). But the process management of systemd is the gold standard in
my opinion and we already use it which is why I want to continue to use it
inside of a container.

Is there a way to run systemd's user service without it having the system
systemd service as a parent?

Like I said, I'm just looking for process management.

Any thoughts or ideas Lennart? Thanks!

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