[systemd-devel] vt220 default for serial console still relevant?

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Tue Jul 21 07:09:10 UTC 2020

On Mo, 20.07.20 10:13, Bruce A. Johnson (bjohnson at blueridgenetworks.com) wrote:

> Reading this discussion about VT220, I'm wondering why that was the
> choice and not VT100 (which was also monochrome). And I'm straining my
> memory to recall what it was that we had back then that made the VT100
> seem so slick and futuristic.

Our default used to be vt100 originally, but that can't do
pgup/pgdown, which people found quite annyoing. vt220 adds support for
that, and is apparently as widely supported, so we changed to that.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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