[systemd-devel] Online documentation doesn't show versions where a certain feature was introduced

Tom Ryder tom at sanctum.geek.nz
Sun Sep 6 10:17:03 UTC 2020

On Fri, Sep 04, 2020 at 03:06:13PM +0200, Böszörményi Zoltán wrote:
>Please take a page from the GLIB/GTK maintainers' notebook and indicate 
>the version where a certain feature was introduced and all the versions 
>where the same feature was gaining extensions or fixes.

I would also find this very helpful for doing portable configuration 
management between OS versions.  If the versions can't be listed inline 
in what are already somewhat verbose man pages, perhaps a separate 
feature version matrix could be maintained or generated?

For an example of what this could look like---if it doesn't already 
exist---the Bash Hackers Wiki maintains one for Bash to which I very 
often refer:


Something this useful would be great to show to the systemd-averse, who 
tend to cite instability of systemd's interface as a reason to reject 
it.  Similar portability tables like this are already a great start:


Tom Ryder <https://sanctum.geek.nz/>
Maybe we can bring back the light.

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