[systemd-devel] Samba Config Reload

Yolo von BNANA yolo at bnana.de
Sat Apr 9 08:00:53 UTC 2022

------- Original Message -------
On Friday, April 8th, 2022 at 13:49, Lennart Poettering <lennart at poettering.net> wrote:

> This could be done better. Plugging in just a "kill" here, means the
> reload is async. i.e. "systemctl reload" will basically return
> immediately without the reload being complete, thus subsequent
> commands can't rely the new config is already in place.

> It's typically nicer to invoke some synchronous command from
> ExecReload=.

Can you please explain this in more Detail?

What does this mean: " "systemctl reload" will basically return
immediately without the reload being complete"?

And what is an Example for an synchronous command for ExecReload=

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