[systemd-devel] Splitting sd-boot from systemd/bootctl for enabling sd-boot in Fedora

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Wed Apr 27 15:53:15 UTC 2022

On Mi, 27.04.22 11:26, Neal Gompa (ngompa13 at gmail.com) wrote:

> > E.g. the biggest development in how the boot looks in recent years
> > in Fedora has been hiding on the boot menus and boot messages by
> > default. I.e. the _design_ is that you start with the logo of the
> > manufacturer which is seamlessly replaced by the gdm login screen.
> > How the boot menu looks never factors into any of this.
> Hiding them by default doesn't mean making them scary and semi-useless
> when you access them.

sd-boot's UI is "semi-useless"? How so? This is very vague.

>From your comments I mostly get that you don't like the aesthetics of
sd-boot. Fine. But how does it make it "semi-useless"? Aesthetics is
one thing, usefulness another.

And in which way is the refind UI better? less "useless"? What
specifically can it do that sd-boot cannot do also UI wise?

I mean, we dont do graphical stuff, no themes, no icons. But let's
ignore that for a minute. What else remains of your criticism?

> Even with rEFInd, I'd probably want to do it that way because the
> point of rEFInd is to make the emergency cases and multiboot cases
> more approachable, not to present it all the time by default.

"emergency cases more approachable"? what does that means? what
specific emergency features does it have?

it shows graphical icons, OK, but how that that help you in case of



Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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