[systemd-devel] Anonymous SYSTEMD_NOTIFY socket

Mantas Mikulėnas grawity at gmail.com
Wed Jun 28 12:38:48 UTC 2023

On Tue, Jun 27, 2023 at 8:36 PM Adrian Vovk <adrianvovk at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello!
> I'm working on passing sd_notify events from systemd-{pull,import} through
> sysupdate.
> All services that consume sd_notify events (systemd itself, importd,
> machined, homed, etc) act as daemons and own a directory in /run. Thus,
> they can open a notification socket at, say, /run/SERVICENAME/notify and
> set NOTIFY_SOCKET to that. Also, there's no cleanup involved: if the
> service goes away the file sticks around until the service is restarted.
> sysupdate, however, is the first instance of a worker process forking off
> another worker process. Thus, we cannot bind the notify socket to some
> stable name. Here are potential approaches I've explored to solve this:
> - Simply pass through the NOTIFY_SOCKET environment variable. That's not
> suitable because we want to export an overall progress value (smoothly from
> 0 to 100), but systemd-import is forked off multiple times so we'd instead
> export a progress value that bounces around from 0 to 100 and back to 0.
> Also progress messages would come from different PIDs for a single
> invocation of sysupdate
> - Create a temporary file and use that as the socket. Problem: What
> happens if systemd-sysupdate crashes and we don't get to clean up that
> file? Over time that potentially clutters up /tmp! Is this a concern?

I assume you meant named sockets (like one would usually find in /run), not
actually regular temporary files?

systemd-tmpfiles should correctly clean up broken sockets in /tmp, IIRC it
supports checking whether the socket is bound or stale (though maybe /run
is still a better place, even for temporary sockets).

Personally my concern would be the crash itself, not the lack of cleanup.
But if the sockets are kept in a single place, say, /run/sysupdate/notify/,
then the subsequent restart could clean out all of them?

> - Use socketpair to open an anonymous socket and pass it into the child.
> This one seems ideal on paper but it doesn't actually work. I can modify
> sd_notify to just use an open file descriptor instead of tying to open its
> own, and that does work except for some reason process credentials aren't
> sent over. Also using the socket pair method doesn't work all that well
> with CLOEXEC, though maybe we don't want to CLOEXEC (We'd only close the
> socket when sd_notify is called with unset_env=true)
> - Create an abstract socket, named after the PID of the parent sysupdate.
> i.e. @/run/sysupdate/PID/notify. I'm not super familiar with abstract
> sockets so I'm not sure of the downsides

Abstract sockets are tied to the network namespace, instead of the
filesystem (mount namespace). That's the main difference, as far as I know.

Mantas Mikulėnas
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