[Tango-artists] The devil's sad face

Rene Samselnig sandman at sdm-net.org
Thu Nov 24 13:27:24 PST 2005

Hi people living on this mailing-list.

I didn't know exactly what a sad devils face looks like... I tried some 
combinations with evil eyes but couldn't connect them to a sad mouth... 
so I just took some eyes and some sad mouth and put it together - which 
IMHO looks quite ok. I still can't imagine when to use this emoticon ;).

Anyway, here's some links to the svg and png versions. Tell me what you 
think about it.



. Rene Samselnig                          http  : www.sdm-net.org
. SDM-NET                                 smtp  : sandman at sdm-net.org
. GnuPG Identifier  : 0xB2408031
. GnuPG Public Key  : http://www.sdm-net.org/sec/sdm_pub.asc
. GnuPG Fingerprint : 97A6 69C8 2E10 BD39 EF45  832D 5736 F2BE B240 8031

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