[Tango-artists] KDE Tango Package

Niko Mirthes nmirthes at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 13:27:19 PST 2005

On Monday 28 November 2005 9:14 pm, Nick Bargnesi wrote:
> Hi!
> I noticed there is currently no maintainer of any KDE-related package. 
> I've ported quite a few icon packages and work quite a bit with KDE and the
> KDE-Look community.  I'm volunteering if the project is looking for a
> maintainer.
> Regards,
> Nick Bargnesi
> nbargnesi at den-4.com
>  Den 4 F/OSS Developer
> http://www.den-4.com
> --
> Nick Bargnesi
> pub  1024D/E8BD2FD0 2004-12-02 Nick Bargnesi <nbargnesi at gmail.com>
> Key fingerprint = 6F9D 9404 63CD 2B04 DE7A  0F9D A1ED C1B0 E8BD 2FD0
> sub  2048g/56C5D45B 2004-12-02

Hi Nick,
	Tango should work on KDE more or less out of the box as it stands right now. 
However, there's a bit of extra work required to get things looking nice. 
Once you've installed the icon-naming-utils, try ./configure --help when 
building tango-icon-theme. You'll see the option --enable-png-creation , 
which will generate pngs in the sizes KDE wants. The conversion will first 
try to use librsvg's rsvg utility to do the conversions if you have a recent 
librsvg. If librsvg's version is not recent enough, ksvgtopng is used. If 
rsvg does the conversion, you'll get nice pngs. If ksvgtopng does the 
conversion, you'll get poor quality svgs. I've got a python script (borrowed 
from the Lila icon theme) that i use to make rpms for Fedora. It can use 
inkscape and sodipodi as well as rsvg and ksvgtopng. It's here:


	Since Tango uses some new icon contexts, i've made some patches to KDE to 
support them here:


	There are also some odds and ends kicking around in both 
http://straw.sh.nu/kde and http://straw.sh.nu/tango, all geared towards 
supporting KDE.

	Any help you can offer is welcome and greatly appreciated. Particularly, an 
announcement on kde-look would be great. I've been procrastinating about 
doing so. It might be prudent to mention some of what I've explained above 
should you decide to post something there. Also, I'd prefer it you linked to 
both the icon-naming-utils and tango-icon-theme rather than a package 
customized for KDE.
		Hope to hear from you,
						Niko (straw)

p.s.  There's generally a bunch of us around in #tango on freenode if you irc 
at all.

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