[Tango-artists] Looking for new icon for FileRoller

William Szilveszter wszilveszter at gmail.com
Thu Jun 1 08:55:16 PDT 2006

Any reason why the icons add, extract, etc. are 24x24? They are located 
in the menu and should be 16x16.

Do we really need to add a specific to File Roller icon for add, file, 
folder, and view? The icon associated for add folder can use the "new 
folder icon" from the general theme. So too can others.

I would recommend trying to use icons drawn from the theme to keep your 
app tied in with GNOME and not feel "out of place."



Jones Lee wrote:
> Hi,
>      Paolo Bacchilega of project FileRoller is looking for a 
> completely new icons to replace 3 years old icons of the program. All 
> icons should strictly follow color tone used in new style GNOME icons 
> (gnome-icon-theme-2.15.2 
> http://cvs.gnome.org/viewcvs/gnome-icon-theme/) because he wants the 
> program GUI has a high integrity with future GNOME.
> FileRoller Homepage: http://fileroller.sourceforge.net/news.html
> Icons need to be redesigned are:
>    http://cvs.gnome.org/viewcvs/file-roller/data/
>    file-roller.png - main logo - great if some1 can reuse the current 
> design - 16x16, 22x22 and SVG (what about 32x32, neccessary??)
>    http://cvs.gnome.org/viewcvs/file-roller/src/icons/
>    (all are size 24x24)
>    add.png - reuse 'package' icon in gnome-icon-theme-2.15.2 and add 
> in '+' or '<--' or other better metaphor
>    extract.png - reuse 'package' icon in gnome-icon-theme-2.15.2 and 
> add in '-->'  or other better metaphor
>    file.png - reuse 'empty file' icon in gnome-icon-theme-2.15.2 or 
> other better metaphor
>    folder.png - reuse 'folder' icon in gnome-icon-theme-2.15.2 or 
> other better metaphor
>    view.png - some better metaphor than 'eyes on file' metaphor
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