[Tango-artists] Re: Looking for new icon for FileRoller

Jones Lee joneslee85 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 1 09:46:32 PDT 2006

> Do we really need to add a specific to File Roller icon for add, file,
> folder, and view? The icon associated for add folder can use the "new
> folder icon" from the general theme. So too can others.

I have asked Lapo and he said:

"those are fallback icons used when the theme doesn't return a folder or
a file icon.  This happened some years ago with some themes I had
installed, however I'm not sure if it's still useful these days."
(any comments?)

Btw, can you be more specific what icons can File-Roller fallback?

All icons please use git2 (2.15.2) icons style instead of Tango icons style.

To Hylke Bons: the icon is good, but I think you can do better right? ;)

> Any reason why the icons add, extract, etc. are 24x24? They are located
> in the menu and should be 16x16.
I am not sure about this. It seems to me Nautilus's using 24x24 not 16x16. I
have never seen any GNOME programs has 16x16 toolbar icons before. It'd be
nice if GTK programs can take advantage of variable sized icons.

On 6/1/06, Jones Lee <joneslee85 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>      Paolo Bacchilega of project FileRoller is looking for a completely
> new icons to replace 3 years old icons of the program. All icons should
> strictly follow color tone used in new style GNOME icons (
> gnome-icon-theme-2.15.2 http://cvs.gnome.org/viewcvs/gnome-icon-theme/)
> because he wants the program GUI has a high integrity with future GNOME.
> FileRoller Homepage: http://fileroller.sourceforge.net/news.html
> Icons need to be redesigned are:
>    http://cvs.gnome.org/viewcvs/file-roller/data/
>    file-roller.png - main logo - great if some1 can reuse the current
> design - 16x16, 22x22 and SVG (what about 32x32, neccessary??)
>    http://cvs.gnome.org/viewcvs/file-roller/src/icons/
>    (all are size 24x24)
>    add.png - reuse 'package' icon in gnome-icon-theme-2.15.2 and add in
> '+' or '<--' or other better metaphor
>    extract.png - reuse 'package' icon in gnome-icon-theme-2.15.2 and add
> in '-->'  or other better metaphor
>    file.png - reuse 'empty file' icon in gnome-icon-theme-2.15.2 or other
> better metaphor
>    folder.png - reuse 'folder' icon in gnome-icon-theme-2.15.2 or other
> better metaphor
>    view.png - some better metaphor than 'eyes on file' metaphor
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