[Tango-artists] Tango Theme for NVU and Kompozer

jEsuSdA 8) listas at jesusda.com
Mon Dec 10 13:46:16 PST 2007


I have been "lost in combat" so much time, but I have been working a
little on Tango and Pasodoble Themes.

Las work I have done is a nice NVU and Kompozer Theme using Tango Style

I have made some icon stuff I needed to complete theme, so ,you culd use
it if you need.

Preview on: http://www.jesusda.com/projects/pasodoble/pasodoble-kompozer.png

You can download theme from the Pasodoble project webpage:


Salu2 de jEsuSdA 8)


NVU is a simple web editing tool. It is not a proffesional one, but some
newbies users could find it really usefull and interesting.

Kompozer is a NVU derivate project. Is a buff-free NVU version and, in
future, is planned to be more powerfull and better than the orgininal
NVU project.

To use icons from theme, you must extract them from the .jar archive.
Download the .JAR archive and use the command:

jar xvf <archive.jar> to extract files.
jar cvf <archive.jar> <archive-list> to add archives into a .jar archive.

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