[Tango-artists] Scilab and Tango

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre.ledru at inria.fr
Fri May 23 07:25:33 PDT 2008

Hello Tango artists,

Scilab is a numerical computational software. 
We are currently working the next release (version 5). 
This version is a big step. Scilab is becoming free (released under the
CeCILL license).
We are also rewriting the GUI and we are trying to follow the Tango
guidelines using your icons.

We looked but we haven't been able to find in Tango a few icons that we
* the 4 standard zoom icons:
	* zoom in
	* zoom out
	* fit into the screen
	* select the area to zoom in
* Rotation of a 2D or 3D object.
Should I open a bug report if I want to see them in Tango ?

We will send you a screenshot of Scilab for the Tango Showroom!

For fun, if anyone wants to do a fashion and modern puffin [1], you are
welcome ;)

Many thanks for your word!


[1] http://www.scilab.org/images/homepage/puffin_logo.png

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