[Tango-artists] Backup Icon Request

Wolter Hellmund whellmundv at gmail.com
Sat Oct 18 12:38:27 PDT 2008

On Sat, 2008-10-18 at 15:18 -0400, Michael Terry wrote:
> Is there an art project from which I, as a maintainer of a FOSS project, can
> request artwork?  I suspect if I asked on this mailing list, someone
> may answer the call, but it's certainly not the point of this mailling
> list, eh?  Is there somewhere more receptive?
> On the off-chance I pique anyone's interest, here's my request:
> I just started a project, Déjà Dup, that aims to be an easy-to-use
> backup frontend.  For the nonce, I've taken the gnome-icon-theme's
> document-send minus the arrow (i.e. a hard disk icon) and pasted on
> the refresh icon.  You can
> see the result here:  http://launchpad.net/deja-dup .  It serves,
> particularly at large sizes, but it's very 'busy' and doesn't look
> good small.
> I'd appreciate your thoughts about or attempts at a better "Backup" icon.
> Thanks!
> -mt
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I think, for a start, that the bottom of the disk is very dark. Perhaps
you should remove the shadows of the arrows in order to avoid that. I
would like it better if the arrows kind of wrapped up the hard disk, and
each was of a different color.

Now, for the smaller versions, you will have to manually edit your icon
for it to fit your taste.

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