[Telepathy] Welcome to our project page..

Stefan Eilers stefan.eilers at basyskom.de
Tue May 2 02:13:09 PDT 2006

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Hi Rob!

Am Montag, 1. Mai 2006 19:04 schrieben Sie:

> Hmm, I do question why we need another project name and page -

Telepathy may not need another project name or page. The KDE implementation 
into Telepathy need it. Of course, there are overlaping aspects but not 
everything is related to telepathy.

> I'm quite 
> happy for all the KDE work to be done under the Telepathy banner, and
> using the same resources.

And the details about KDE and its implementation should not be mixed with 
telepathy framework discussions. It should be seperated.. That's all.

> But if you insist on having this KDE/rest of world split, then can we at
>  least put all the common stuff on telepathy.freedesktop.org? (e.g.
> state diagrams, mission control specs, etc.)

Yes. I would prefer it to put it on the official page and at least it has to 
be there. The information which is published on our page is there, because I 
wanted to be clear that this is not official and just for discussion 

> Also, some more discussion would be appropriate - it seems to be all the
>  use cases and sequence chats are very wrong - and these are all cases
> that we've well analysed and have been implemented already.

Ok. Then, you should publish anything. We want to assist in extend telepathy, 
but without detailed architectural information it is impossible to do so.

> *In 
> particular* mission controls job is *NOT* to act as an intermediatary
> for all communication - this is madness -5 context switches to find out
> anything at all!! 

The communication itself should not routed via mission control. That is our 
opinion, too.

> At the most basic level, all a mission control needs 
> to do is manage account details, launch connection managers, and handle
> incoming channel requests, launching the appropriate handlers based on
> platform/user choice.

Well, it is exactly what we wanted to show. But IMHO aren't things like 
"handle incoming channel requests" and "launching the approriate handlers" 
something which I would include into "intermediatary" jobs.. Is that wrong?

What would you like to see, instead?

> To be slightly more positive, If you guys can come talk a bit more,

Well.. The aim of our sequence charts is to point to the things which are not 
clear/missing. This has to be the first step to discuss anything. Otherwise 
we cannot communicate very well. 
If everything is clear for you, as you stated, then you should help us and 
give us some insight. 

> getting some real sequence diagrams and state charts together that
> actually document reality would be very very useful to all concerned.

Our job is not to provide documentation about things you have written. We will 
provide such sequence charts but the most important part is to provide 
information how this architecture should work if it is ready. This has to be 
discussed first. Then, we should analyse where we are and how to finish it.
IMHO, you try to do it in the wrong order.

> Right now I'm working on getting a nicer looking page up on fd.o, just
> waiting for moin 1.5 to get installed.. ;)

I hope you don't fear that we want to provide another fork of thelepathy like 
tapioka already is. But you may think about, how to help external people to 
incorporate into this project. We don't have the time to make 
reverse-engeneering, try to analyse how the missing parts should run and hear 
that everything is wrong, afterwards. The job of mission control is 
completeley undocumented, thus we wanted to put our fingers into this wound. 
And I think, this worked quite well. ;)

Regards, Stefan
- -- 
Stefan Eilers
Project Manager

basysKom GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Str. 7 | 64293 Darmstadt | Germany
Tel: +49 6151 3969-962 | Fax: -736 | Mobile: +49 170 4213459 |
Jabber: eilers at jabber.org
stefan.eilers at basyskom.de | www.basyskom.de
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (GNU/Linux)


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