[Telepathy] features request

Xavier Claessens xclaesse at gmail.com
Sat Oct 14 12:16:32 PDT 2006


Here are some features that would be great to have for gossip:

1) "account" param should have a default value like "user at jabber.org"
for gabble, or "user at hotmail.com" for butterfly, "123456789" for ICQ,
etc... This is useful to display to the user as example when gossip asks
for the ID. Gossip's jabber protocol had an hardcoded "user at jabber.org"
but it should be adapted for different protocols.

2) parameters should have a default value depending on the value set for
other parameters. For example if old-ssl=false port should get the 5222
default value, if old-ssl=true then port=5223. Another example, if I set
account=zdra at gmail.com default value for alias should be set to "zdra"
and server should be set to "talk.google.com". daf told me this involves
DNS lookup...

3) We should have a "hidden" flag for parameters to told the UI to hide
the input, that's very useful for parameters like "password" or
"stun-server-password", etc. This can be added to the .manager file
	param-password=s hidden

Those are only suggestions, I don't really know how it can be
implemented and added to the spec. I just say that's the kind of thing
that would be cool to have for gossip.

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