[Telepathy] Rich presence

Dafydd Harries dafydd.harries at collabora.co.uk
Wed Dec 5 04:34:37 PST 2007

Ar 05/12/2007 am 13:50, ysgrifennodd mikhail.zabaluev at nokia.com:
> PIDF-LO is an extension to PIDF, described in RFC 4119.
> Its usage for practical purposes (what do you want, it's IETF)
> is further clarified by this draft:
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-geopriv-pdif-lo-profile
> It can express what XEP 80 does and more. There are interesting locations
> like arc bands and rectangles/prisms, which cannot be boiled down to a point-accuracy
> ellipsoid without losing information.
> Also, it takes care to specify units and the coordinate system, which go by silent
> assumption elsewhere.

I thought XEP 80 was complicated enough. :P

I was planning to restrict the API to using WGS 84 for geographical
coordinates. This implies that clients and connection managers may need to do
conversion in some cases.

I think having a latitute/longitude in WGS 84 covers the majority of use
cases. Further use cases are probably covered by having
room/street/city/province/country etc. key/value pairs.

For more complicated cases, using extended presence or tubes may be more


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