[Telepathy] Spec for file-transfer and tubes

Luiz Augusto von Dentz luiz.dentz at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 19:55:09 PST 2007

Most of those signals and methods are done by group interface, why not reuse
You can also accept and reject calls like any StreamedMedia does by
adding/removing members.

>  - StatusChanged says that the new state can be one of
> >    LocalPending/RemotePending/Open. In practice, the tube will always
> begin
> >    its life in either LocalPending/RemotePending, and will either get
> approved
> >    or rejected, so in practice you'll only see StatusChanged(Open).
> >
> >    The events we really need to represent are Accepted, Rejected, Opened
> and
> >    Closed.
> That is correct. So is 4 signals the way to go?
Luiz Augusto von Dentz
Engenheiro de Computação
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