[Telepathy] Secure communications with Telepathy

Emanuele Aina em at nerd.ocracy.org
Wed Nov 28 02:53:29 PST 2007

Marco Barisione elencò:

> This solution has a number of problems:
> - How should I pass the private key to the cm? Is it a problem to pass
> it on dbus (it could be easily sniffed using dbus-monitor)?
> - What to do if I don't have access to the private key (e.g. smart card
> readers)?
> - In the case of a connection to a server I need to pause the connection
> process until the client has verified the server's certificate, to avoid
> sending the password to an untrusted server.
> - We need a ListSupportedCertificates() method to know the supported
> certificate types: X.509, PGP, etc.

We also plan to add a signature field to the DNS-SD data sent via mDNS
by Salut, to certify that the presence information is coming from the
right user. Then, to verify it, Salut would have to send the signature
and the whole signed data to the client (which is the one with the list
of known user certificates).

- How should we send this information to the client?

- Having a GetSignatureData(user_handle) -> [signature, signed_data] to
be called from the client when a new user is found would be too

Complimenti per l'ottima scelta.

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