[Telepathy] sofia-sip calling a landline contact can hear me but empathy's box is mute

Reimundo Heluani rheluani at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 10:05:19 PDT 2009

On Tue, 2009-08-18 at 23:04 -0700, Reimundo Heluani wrote:
> I am trying to call with empathy and sip.voipdiscount.com  to a
> landline. My contact's phone listens perfect audio, but myself on the
> linux box can't hear anything. 

Can this be just a codec issue? I realized I didn't have installed
libgsm so gst-plugins-bad wouldn't install gsmenc and gsmdec
Also I didn't have installed gst-plugins-farsight

The problem is that after installing all of these I can connect but not
no side listens to any audio. 

I think the problem might be with libgsm. I had to recompile with fPIC
(otherwise gst-plugins-bad won't link) and anyway when I try toasting
and untoasting a raw audio file I hear just noise. 


> Attached is the log from sofiasip and
> empathy (tarred and bziped). The empathy log contains info about other
> accounts (like msn and such) that I should've probably erased, but
> anyhow this session was interesting in that the landline could hear
> perfect audio. The SIP call starts at around line 1090
> Any help will be appreciated.  
> empathy-2.27.5, telepahy-glib-0.7.35, telepathy-sofiasip-0.5.17,
> telepathy-stream-engine-0.5.11,  gstreamer-0.10.24, pulseaudio-0.9.15
> x86_64 LFS
> Thanks.
> R.

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