[Telepathy] Feature request: make it clearer when there are new, hidden messages

Olivier Crête olivier.crete at collabora.co.uk
Tue Feb 16 06:54:09 PST 2010


Imho, if the view was at the botton, it should auto-scroll, but not
otherwise.. I wrote some code in GnomeICU to do exactly that 7 years

On Mon, 2010-02-15 at 17:45 -0500, Cory Kaufman wrote:
> Hi,
> Currently if I am chatting with someone and I switch to another
> window, any chats they sent me are hidden and the view stays where I
> left it before switching. I understand the reasoning behind this (even
> though it differs from how most other chat apps work) because you
> don't get lost of the other person sends a whole bunch of messages. 
> However: it is hard to see at a glance that there are messages I am
> not seeing, unless the other person has written enough to push the
> scrollbar up significantly. It would be really helpful if there were a
> clear indication that there are new messages and I can scroll down to
> see them. Even if it's as simple as a small overlaid message at the
> bottom that says "There are newer messages below, scroll to see them".
> Thanks!
> Cory
> -- 
> Cory Kaufman
> Web Developer
> Bright Bridge Studios
> (616) 516-3906
> cory at brightbridge.net
> www.brightbridge.net
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Olivier Crête
olivier.crete at collabora.co.uk
Collabora Ltd
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