[Telepathy] telepathy-mission-control 5.8.0

Vivek Dasmohapatra vivek at collabora.co.uk
Fri Jul 22 06:54:09 PDT 2011

The "It's a big ball of... branchy-wanchy stuff" release

tarball: http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/releases/telepathy-mission-control/telepathy-mission-control-5.8.0.tar.gz
signature: http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/releases/telepathy-mission-control/telepathy-mission-control-5.8.0.tar.gz.asc


• Fix the regression tests to pass under newer telepathy-glib versions

• fd.o #34025: when an Observer with Recover=TRUE catches up on channels,
   don't miss out channels that have run their observers but have not
   completed dispatching, mainly those waiting for approvers (smcv)

• When detecting service points, don't crash if the Connection has no
   interfaces (jonnylamb)

• Fix various memory leaks (fledermaus)

• If a storage plugin changes our nickname, propagate it to the CM (fledermaus)

• Make storage plugins less verbose by default (fledermaus)

• Implementation of the draft ChannelDispatcher.Messages interface did
   not correctly handle all internal requests which should have been
   dispatched to an existing channel (fledermaus)

• The McdTransport framework should have considered "no plugins" to be
   equivalent to "proceed", not "abort" (fledermaus)

• Some files were missing G_END_DECLS, which broke C++ includes (fledermaus)

• The Aegis ACL plugin needs to activate inactive handlers if they are
   not runnng, as you cannot check the aegis credentials of a DBus name
   alone, a PID or DBus connection is required (fledermaus)


• Centralised debug control for MCP plugins via MCP_DEBUG environment
   variable (and macro + flags so out-of-tree plugins can take advantage
   of same) (fledermaus)

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