[Telepathy] Telepathy 1.0 will never happen

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas.dufresne at collabora.co.uk
Fri Jun 10 12:46:08 PDT 2011

Le mercredi 08 juin 2011 à 10:00 +0200, Xavier Claessens a écrit :

> I'm wondering though, why don't we include CMs into the big telepathy
> tree, since they will suffer build issues each time we change spec and
> will need to be rebuild for each API/ABI change on the
> libtp-glib-dbus. 

One reason would be that we don't control all the CMs. I think the real
solution to check if everything still build is to ensure that a change
to the spec and/or bindings triggers build bot to build of every CMs
with that new spec/binding. With an always build rule, one will think
twice before breaking compatibility. But that would have a side effect
that we will always have broken build once in a while, as repositories
are not the same.
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