[Telepathy] RFC- Proposed E2E changes

WolfRage wolfrage8765 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 26 09:02:43 PDT 2011

This document shows the Proposed E2E solution. With this the general
steps for establishing a secured connection would be:
1: Check the Upgradeable property to ensure the channel can be upgraded.
(Assuming True; next step)
2: Set the property EncryptionInterface and call method Secure.
3: Watch the EncryptionState property; once verified set Encrypted
property to True. (Or depreciate this duplicate property.)
4: Set the property AuthenticationInterface and call method
5: Watch the EncryptionState property; once verified set Verified
property to True (As the channel is now secured because it is both
Encrypted and Authenticated).
Please provide feedback, thank you.
- -
Quote: "Opportunities multiply as they are seized." "Can you imagine
what I would do if I could do all I can?" Sun Tzu, The Art of War. 

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