[Telepathy] Help with an account outside google domain

Will Thompson will.thompson at collabora.co.uk
Tue Nov 1 07:27:02 PDT 2011

On 27/10/11 23:01, Andrés Vargas wrote:
> I am using telepathy-python to program a client and I have problems with
> the parameters I am using, for a normal username at gmail.com
> <mailto:username at gmail.com> account I can connect and send messages, but
> with an account username at cti.espol.edu.ec
> <mailto:username at cti.espol.edu.ec> I can't. i would like to know if
> there is something I have to change when I am using an account linked
> with google but outside his domain.?

Does cti.espol.edu.ec use a self-signed SSL certificate? When Gabble 
encounters a certificate it doesn't trust, it pops up a 
ServerTLSConnection channel 
to ask a client to say yes or no, and pauses the connection attempt 
until it gets a reply.

The quickest way to verify whether this is the issue is to set the 
'ignore-ssl-errors' parameter to True. (But you should not do this 
except for testing purposes.)

If you're using telepathy-python to drive the CM directly (rather than 
using Mission Control, which I highly recommend you do), then you will 
need to listen for the NewChannels signal, find the ServerTLSConnection 
channel, examine the certificate and call Accept() or Reject() on it as 
appropriate. (Or you may simply Close() the channel, in which case 
Gabble will fall back to looking at the ignore-ssl-errors connection 

If you're using Mission Control, it should dispatch the channel to an 
appropriate handler (which, for instance, Empathy provides), or Close() 
it if none is available.

Hope this helps,

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