[Telepathy] Help with an account outside google domain

Andrés Vargas andnovar at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 09:07:19 PDT 2011

Dear Will,

Thank you very much for you answer I solved it by downloading empathy code
and I noticed I should put server: talk.google.com and that solve my issue,
actually I am trying to implement an application with telepathy-python and
Kivy but, in both I have to create infinite loops, in kivy for the App and
in telepathy for waiting reply messages, when the app is running a
gobject.MainLoop Kivy froze until MainLoop stop. I have tried to use
threads but it does not work.

where can I find information about Mission Control with telepathy?

Sorry, I am still understanding how telepathy works...

Regards, Andres

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 9:27 AM, Will Thompson <will.thompson at collabora.co.uk
> wrote:

> On 27/10/11 23:01, Andrés Vargas wrote:
>> I am using telepathy-python to program a client and I have problems with
>> the parameters I am using, for a normal username at gmail.com
>> <mailto:username at gmail.com> account I can connect and send messages, but
>> with an account username at cti.espol.edu.ec
>> <mailto:username at cti.espol.**edu.ec <username at cti.espol.edu.ec>> I
>> can't. i would like to know if
>> there is something I have to change when I am using an account linked
>> with google but outside his domain.?
> Does cti.espol.edu.ec use a self-signed SSL certificate? When Gabble
> encounters a certificate it doesn't trust, it pops up a ServerTLSConnection
> channel <http://telepathy.freedesktop.**org/spec/Channel_Type_Server_**
> TLS_Connection.html<http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/spec/Channel_Type_Server_TLS_Connection.html>>
> to ask a client to say yes or no, and pauses the connection attempt until
> it gets a reply.
> The quickest way to verify whether this is the issue is to set the
> 'ignore-ssl-errors' parameter to True. (But you should not do this except
> for testing purposes.)
> If you're using telepathy-python to drive the CM directly (rather than
> using Mission Control, which I highly recommend you do), then you will need
> to listen for the NewChannels signal, find the ServerTLSConnection channel,
> examine the certificate and call Accept() or Reject() on it as appropriate.
> (Or you may simply Close() the channel, in which case Gabble will fall back
> to looking at the ignore-ssl-errors connection parameter.)
> If you're using Mission Control, it should dispatch the channel to an
> appropriate handler (which, for instance, Empathy provides), or Close() it
> if none is available.
> Hope this helps,
> --
> Will
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