[Telepathy] Telepathy Help

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Mon Apr 4 10:12:20 UTC 2016

On 04/04/16 11:56, Pranav Jain wrote:
> I was doing some research on Telepathy in order to answer the questions
> that we have been asked as part of GSOC. On the issue page there is a
> documentation regarding Telepathy given at link
> (https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/telepathy/2007-July/000864.html). Most
> of the links in this document are not working. 
> Can someone please help me out with some of the sources where I can
> learn more about Telepathy so in order to get better clarity and move
> forward with the questions. I need to know more about 'Dial' command in
> Telepathy

When I started working on the telepathy-resiprocate component I also had
trouble with finding comprehensive TelepathyQt documentation

Here are some suggested links:

- look at the source for other modules using telepathy-qt

         (there are several there)



- look at this API stuff:


- study the behavior of some existing Telepathy applications using bustle




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