[Telepathy] future of Telepathy?

Dominik George nik at naturalnet.de
Thu Apr 28 21:03:37 UTC 2016

(OK, I can't keep my promise…)

> People are where their friends are, that's a history-proven fact.

I think history proved the contrary. If people were staying where there 
friends are, then noone would have moved from ICQ to Skype to WhatsApp to 

People do move and switch messengers all the time, messenger preference is 
evolving more quickly than fashion in clothes nowadays. And this happens 
because companies create new things that actually solve issues, and market 
them. WhatsApp did marketing with eliminating the need for contact management, 
for example.

If people stayed where there friends are, then proprietary messengers wouldn't 
take part in battles like they do, e.g. Facebook Messenger competing with 
WhatsApp in terms of new features, and hell, those two messengers are even 
made by the same people!

Users do not stay where they are. The find something new and tell their 
friends. This works for WhatsApp and Snapchat, because they have cool things 
and cool marketing. It does not work for Telepathy with XMPP because there is 
no cool marketing.

It's all about features, then marketing, then critical mass.


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Dominik George · Mobil: +49-151-61623918

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