[Telepathy] requestHandles method

Diane Trout diane at ghic.org
Sun Jun 5 04:15:36 UTC 2016

On Sat, 2016-06-04 at 16:24 -0300, Mateus Bellomo wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm implementing tha Aliases interface methods at telepathy-
> resiprocate and I'm getting some problems when I try to add a
> contact. Empathy closes unexpectedly and it won't show anything in
> the empahy-debugger[1].

I'd recommend installing the empathy debugging symbols (empathy-dbgsym
or empathy-dbg) and launching empathy under gdb. (Try sending a bt
full, perhaps empathy needs a bit more defensively coding).

The full clients like empathy & ktp-contactlist expect several
interfaces to be available and you may not have implemented everything

When I was trying to write a CM I found the example roster in
TelepathyQt/examples/roster doesn't expect as many interfaces to exist
and I was able to get it to work before empathy or KTP did.

> Anyone have a clue of why we have to add a contact every time the
> function requestHandles is called?

I believe the handles being negotiated between the client and the CM
are a pointer like type so you can refer to large contact objects by


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