[Uim] traditional Chinese py input?

Jon Babcock jon at kanji.com
Mon Jan 12 02:24:49 EET 2004

First, let me thank the developers of uim!

Since the early days of Linux, I have been hoping we could have a way to 
switch input methods easily. I've tried various workarounds and hacks 
over the years, and was never satisfied. Indeed, the advent of uim is a 
momentous event in my world. Thanks!

I have been experimenting with uim in several uim-gtk2.0-friendly 
programs, namely bluefish, abiword, gnumeric, gnome-terminal, and 
regexxer. It has been pleasant, seamlessly switching from Japanese input 
(anthy) to Chinese input (py) to English within the same line. Very nice.

I'm a translator (CE & JE), not a programmer although I have a cursive 
familiarity with a few programming languages.

Two questions:

Is anyone working on traditional Chinese input using pinyin?

Is there any documentation on the current py input method?

Once again I want to thank all of you who are working to bring a 
smoothly functioning multilingual IME to Linux.


PS I'm running Debian sid.

Jon Babcock <jonatkanjidotcom>

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