[Uim] traditional Chinese py input?

yusuke at cherubim.icw.co.jp yusuke at cherubim.icw.co.jp
Mon Jan 12 16:16:47 EET 2004


> Since the early days of Linux, I have been hoping we could have a way to 
> switch input methods easily. I've tried various workarounds and hacks 
> over the years, and was never satisfied. Indeed, the advent of uim is a 
> momentous event in my world. Thanks!
I also want to say thank you for using uim!
As a Japanese, I want Japanese to get better support
by international distributions.
So uim's target is to get easy support of using and
switching input methods of Japanese and other all
langueges as well without dirty hacks.
#Requirement of setting up servers to input Japanese is allowable.

> Two questions:
> Is anyone working on traditional Chinese input using pinyin?
No, not yet. However, to get same level support of simlified Chinese
is easy. But we have to implement more functionality like candidate
window, learning the order of candidates, so on.

> Is there any documentation on the current py input method?
Not yet, you may look at /usr/share/uim/PY.scm, but there is 
no document yet.

> Once again I want to thank all of you who are working to bring a 
> smoothly functioning multilingual IME to Linux.
Currently, uim is just a preliminary level. I hope you to be patient
with development.


  Yusuke TABATA (yusuke at cherubim.icw.co.jp)

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