[Uim] traditional Chinese py input?

yusuke at cherubim.icw.co.jp yusuke at cherubim.icw.co.jp
Tue Jan 13 15:42:15 EET 2004

> > #Requirement of setting up servers to input Japanese is allowable.
Sorry. Some correction in my previous mail.
=> #Requirement of setting up servers to input Japanese is *NOT* allowable.

> On a related note, what would it take to make uim-xim work with all 
> input methods and not just Japanese? Surely it must be possible to 
That is a very hard problem due to XIM protocol and specification's limitation.
I hope uim-xim will be deleted in future. gtk+ already has non XIM
full featured input method support. For Qt, some of my friends in Japan
wrote pluggable input method support and trying to get the patch
approved by trolltech (the company developing and distributing Qt).

To short, uim-xim is a tempolary solution.
We want more toolkits and applications to support uim directly.

> establish some key combination to switch between Japanese/Chinese/etc 
> without the need to switch locale? In my opinion, not being able to 
> switch input methods with XIM is the main problem that's keeping it from 
> being useful.
  Yusuke TABATA (yusuke at cherubim.icw.co.jp)

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